Parichay About Us

About Us

Our father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi has given a Talisman to everyone to recall the face of the poorest and the weakest person we have everseen and ask ourselves that the step we are going to take is of any use to that person. Will he/she get anything by it or will it change that person’s life at all. Our ego and doubts will go away. So, this quotation by Gandhijee is the main inspiration behind the initiation of this organization.

PARICHAY is an organization where we will try to reach out to the last person who is underprivileged and marginalized. Gandhi told to us, “Be the change, you want to see in the world.” Honestly, after giving three years continuous thought and working on every aspect of our capacity and limitations, we have come to a conclusion that nothing could be better than starting an NGO which will be inclusive for every cornerof the society. We know that it is very tough to bring changes in larger scale but nothing is impossible. One drop of water putting continuously in a pot will also fill it. Therefore, we will keep on pouring drops into it so that others will also open their hearts in fulfilling Gandhi’s dreams of a self-reliant society and county as well.

PARICHAY has evolved through numerous consultations with like-minded people on issues which really matter in every sphere of life we live with dignity. A long self-evaluation and deep thought have also led us to do something which can contribute something in someone’s life. There are countless organizations which are working relentlessly to bring the change on the ground. However, lending a small hand will connect the dots, which may change someone’s life and that has to be our goal. 

PARICHAY is most thankful to Bapu (Mahatma Gandhi), who motivated us to think selflessly and devote our life in serving the society